Roll up your sleeves and go: to enhance the core competitiveness of manufacturing industry three years plan focusing on nine industries

                  Column:Industry trends Time:2017-11-29
                  The national development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued a three - year plan of action to enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry on the 27 day. The nine key industries, including rail transportation ...

                  The national development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued a three - year plan of action to enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry on the 27 day. The nine key industries, including rail transportation equipment, will be supported and promoted in the future.

                  The NDRC said, "13th Five-Year," at the end, will be in the high-end rail transportation equipment, ship and marine engineering equipment, intelligent robots, intelligent vehicles, modern agricultural machinery, high-end medical equipment and medicines, new materials, intelligent manufacturing, and other key areas of major technical equipment, organize the implementation of key industrial technology projects. To achieve the industrialization of a number of major breakthroughs of key technologies, the formation of a number of internationally influential leading enterprises, to create a number of China manufacturing brands, to create a batch of internationally recognized standards Chinese, significantly enhance the innovation ability of manufacturing industry, the product quality has been greatly improved.

                  It is understood that by 2020, rail transit will develop high-speed, intelligent and green railway equipment, and develop a new generation of high-speed maglev train with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour, and build a R & D and debugging platform for key technologies such as suspension guidance, vehicle power supply and so on. To carry out the hybrid locomotive, 160 kilometers per hour fast trucks, large maintenance equipment product development and industrialization. In the new energy intelligent vehicle, it breaks through the key common technologies of intelligent vehicles, and focuses on the development of high precision positioning and mapping technology for all weather complex traffic scenes. Besides, we should speed up the industrialization of advanced metal and nonmetal key materials, and focus on developing products of ultra high strength steel plates and components, high speed rail and key parts and steel products.

                  According to the plan, the future will take innovation as the first power to achieve the leading development of the manufacturing industry, guide the innovation resources to the manufacturing sector, explore the new mechanism of flexible governance, and build a social atmosphere of protection, innovation and inclusive innovation. And the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources in the manufacturing industry, cleanup repeal hinder fair competition in the single market and various regulations and practices, to improve the quality of the supply system as the main direction, with the upgrading of quality driven manufacturing quality and efficiency, promote the China speed to Chinese quality change, China products shift to China brand.

                  The NDRC said that the action plan for enhancing the core competitiveness of manufacturing industry will be implemented in a cycle of three years, and dynamically adjust key areas and main tasks according to the changes of economic and social development needs and environmental conditions. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the action plan, the implementation plan of industrialization of key technologies in key areas will be formulated one by one.
