Manufacturing in China should adhere to quality as the lifeline of building a powerful manufacturing country

                  Column:Industry trends Time:2017-11-24
                  At present, China's economy has been a rapid growth stage to high quality development, vigorously improve the quality and efficiency of development, improve the quality of the supply system, to meet the people's ...

                  At present, China's economy has been a rapid growth stage to high quality development, vigorously improve the quality and efficiency of development, improve the quality of the supply system, to meet the people's growing need for better life, is the supply side structural reforms, promote the urgent requirement of economic development quality change, efficiency change, dynamic change and strategic objectives. In November 21st, the "2017 China industrial quality brand building forum" sponsored by the national manufacturing Power Construction Strategy Advisory Committee was held in Beijing. Former vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee, the national manufacturing Power Construction Strategy Advisory Committee Director Lu Yongxiang attended the forum and delivered a speech, the National Academy of Engineering Dean, deputy director of China manufacturing Power Construction Strategy Advisory Committee Zhou presided over the opening ceremony of the forum, director of the State Administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine Zhi Shuping, Deputy Minister of industry and information technology Roman Tam attended the forum and make a keynote speech.

                  Lu Yongxiang pointed out that "made in China 2025" will strengthen the quality of brand building included in one of the nine key strategic tasks, this work only when carried out, not completed. In the process of promoting the "2025 Chinese manufacturing", adhere to the quality as the lifeline of building manufacturing powerhouse, support industries and enterprises to strengthen the comprehensive quality management, increase innovation, improve the quality of products and services, to create China manufacturing brand, foster the selection of demonstration enterprises and industrial cluster brand construction pilot demonstration units, industrial cultivation quality benchmarking the brand of a number of national industrial enterprises.

                  Chinese products change to Chinese brands

                  Lu Yongxiang pointed out that the quality is the cornerstone of the construction of manufacturing power, China must realize the manufacturing quality and upgrade, the comparative advantage remodeling of textile and light labor-intensive industries, rapid promotion of high-end equipment manufacturing and technology intensive industry competitiveness, must adhere to the quality first, efficiency first, promote manufacturing quality and upgrading, accelerate the construction of manufacturing power. The brand is the construction of manufacturing power we want to speak good Chinese name card, industrial brand story, publicity and guidance, the national enterprises to enhance brand awareness and brand development concept, establish consumer confidence, a full range of consumer brand choice rational form, the formation of "transformation" China products to China brand consensus in the business community and the whole society.

                  The quality of the manufacturing industry and the quality of the industrial products are undoubtedly the most basic ones. Comprehensively building a socialist modern powerful country, including the construction of manufacturing power, science and technology power, trade power and so on, all of these "power", the most direct, the most important criteria and the pursuit of goals, are undoubtedly quality. It can even be said that the fundamental difference between big and powerful countries lies in the quality, in this sense, the new era is the quality era.

                  Roman Tam said, international experience shows that the more developed countries in the manufacturing industry, the more emphasis on quality. From the international point of view, many developed countries in the critical period of rapid economic and social development, the quality of brand building as a national strategy to implement. From the domestic point of view, China's economy has shifted from a high speed growth stage to a high quality development stage, so the foothold of promoting development should be shifted to improving quality, and the new competitive advantage with quality as the core should be accelerated. With the rapid development of economy and society, both industrial and consumer goods, the demand for product function, quality, safety, stability, consistency and other aspects are constantly improving. The market demand speeds up to the personalization, the diversification, the intellectualization evolution, not only has spawned many new product quality and the brand demand, but also has enhanced the supply system quality to form the strong "reverse force" function. Therefore, pay attention to the quality of the brand, enhance the quality of brand building, not only of great significance, but also Time will not wait for me.

                  Quality oriented manufacturing power development road

                  Roman Tam pointed out that the quality of the brand has always been the basic elements of a national core competitiveness of manufacturing industry, China's economy has been the rapid growth phase to the high quality development stage, to promote the development of a foothold to improve the quality, speed up the development of new competitive advantages to the quality as the core. In recent years, the quality of our brand building industry achieved positive results, the product quality steadily, industrial base has been compacted, significantly improve the quality management level, continuously enhance the manufacturing brand influence for our country manufacturing industry from large to strong laid a solid foundation. But to see, there are still some outstanding problems in the development of China's industrial quality and brand. For example, part of the product quality level is not high, the product quality and safety, stability and consistency with the international advanced level there are still large gaps; again, lag basic ability quality inspection, measurement and control technology and quality evaluation of construction, a number of key and common technologies affect the quality of the long-term unresolved problems; again, the brand construction is lagging behind, especially compared with the international well-known brand, brand low added value, weak competitiveness, reputation and visibility needs to be improved. In the process of building a powerful manufacturing country, the task of improving the quality of the brand is still very arduous.

                  Roman Tam stressed that the construction of quality brand competitive advantage is a powerful measure to improve the quality of the supply system of manufacturing industry, related to the national economic and social development and manufacturing power construction overall situation. The Ministry of industry and information technology to firmly establish the quality consciousness, to improve the quality of the supply system as the main direction of the implementation of enterprise quality responsibility, carry out quality improvement action, efforts to promote the quality of change, and unswervingly follow the road of development of manufacturing power quality. One is to promote advanced quality management technology and methods. Two is to comprehensively improve the quality of products, engineering quality and service quality. Three is to speed up the elimination of key areas of quality bottleneck constraints. Four is to constantly strengthen the basis of quality development. Five is to promote the product brand, enterprise brand and industrial cluster regional brand building.
