Short term factors have slowed industrial profit growth in July

                  Column:Industry trends Time:2017-08-29
                  National Bureau of statistics 27 released data show that from 1 to July, the national industrial enterprises above Designated Size realized a total profit of 4 trillion and 248 billion 120 million yuan, an increase of 21.2% ...

                  National Bureau of statistics 27 released data show that from 1 to July, the national industrial enterprises above Designated Size realized a total profit of 4 trillion and 248 billion 120 million yuan, an increase of 21.2%, the growth rate slowed by 0.8 percentage points over 1 to June. July that month, above scale industrial enterprises profit grew by 16.5%, the growth rate slowed 2.6 percentage points over June.

                  "Profit growth slowdown, mainly under the extreme high temperature weather conditions, some enterprises holiday, stop production and other short-term non economic factors.". Overall, with the supply side structural reform continued to advance, corporate performance showed an upturn situation, industrial profits continue to maintain high growth." He Ping, director of the industrial efficiency division of the industrial bureau of the National Bureau of statistics, said.

                  Between 1 and July, the total profit of 37 industries increased year by year, and 4 industries decreased in 41 major industries. Among them, coal mining and dressing industry gross profit grew 13.7 times, ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased 1 times, non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased 45.6%, 11.9% growth in the automotive industry, computers, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry increased by 15.3%, the oil and gas industry from losses to profits over the same period. Electricity, heat production and supply industry gross profit fell by 31.7%.

                  1 to July, above scale industrial enterprises realized main business income of 69 trillion and 800 billion yuan, an increase of 13.1%; the main business income margin was 6.09%, an increase of 0.41 percentage points; the main business revenue per hundred dollars of the cost of 85.72 yuan, down 0.04 yuan; finished goods inventory turnover days to 13.7 days. A decrease of 0.8 days; the average recovery of accounts receivable for a period of 37.1 days, down 1 days.

                  By the end of 7, the assets and liabilities ratio of Industrial Enterprises above designated size was 55.8%, down 0.7 percentage points year-on-year.

                  He Ping analysis, industrial enterprises to reduce costs, the effect has been expanded, reducing corporate leverage to achieve positive progress, corporate capital turnover continued to accelerate, profit margins improved further.
